Every temptation that Jesus met, we too will have to meet. Therefore, it's not a stretch or a twist to say that the adversary says the same to us today: "All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me."
All these what? Most of us have never had the opportunity to lay eyes on a kingdom, so what will be ours? I suppose one answers that question by asking yet another: "Well, I'll never fallen on my knees to worship the devil, and don't plan on it anytime soon, so how does his statement apply to me personally?" Paying homage to the adversary doesn't just include doing him literal, direct obeisance. Whenever we want our own way; pursue our own plans, without considering what God thinks of them; we are serving him.
How is that? When the devil sinned, he sinned by wanting things done his way, not God's way. He is the originator of self-ishness. If we live life the way we choose, irrespective of God's Word and will, we are defying Him, and serving self--thus following the great rebel, because he came up with the idea.
Now that that question is answered, it's much easier to answer the first. If I live for me (and therefore the devil), I can have whatsoever I desire of this world, if I work for it. In theory, if I was able-bodied and followed this plan of living:
- I could have the latest clothes and shoes--because, I want them, and don't care about being feminine and modest (Deuteronomy 22:5; 1 Timothy 2:9).
- I could eat the standard American diet again--because, I like it, and I couldn't have it if I aimed to be so healthy (1 Corinthians 10:31).
- I could play video games, and read fiction again--because, so long as I'm enjoying myself, it doesn't really matter how I use my time, or if the activities are true and good (Philippians 4:8; Colossians 4:5)
- I could have my GED--because, I need it, and I can't afford to be so particular about little things (Proverbs 4:2, 27).
- I could have a boyfriend more easily--because, I don't know whether they are the man God wants me to have, or whether they believe in Him (Proverbs 3:5-7; 2 Corinthians 6:14), but I love them.
- I could have get a job with little hassle--because, I want this position, even though I'd have to work on Sabbath (Exodus 20:9-11).
- I could have a fancy house someday--because, I earned the money to buy it and I can spend it the way I want, no matter what (Deuteronomy 8:11-18).
- I could keep my terrible temper--because, I don't always feel like being nice (Ephesians 4:32). It's the way I am.
Now, if I choose to follow the Word of God, regardless of whether it lines up with what I want to do, will I have license to do the things listed above? No; instead, I will be holding to principle, refusing to bow to the instigator of selfishness, and will have to pass through this world without as much pleasure or easy-going as I could have otherwise. It will be a life of so-called sacrifice compared to the apparent rose garden, but it will be worth it. As a result of resisting the temptation to bow to the devil via pleasing self, I will have the approbation of my Maker, and a perfect character--just like Jesus. Will you also refuse to bow?