
Wednesday, November 1, 2017

A Daughter in Chains

Yes, and I helped to tighten them. When I was younger, I read a lot of "Christian" fiction. One of these books dealt with the persecution of Christ's followers in China, the main character being a young girl.[1] One of my friends really enjoyed the book, and at some point, it went from being mine to hers.

When in middle school, I gave away however many of my numerous novels to this same friend. I wasn't going to read them anymore. Sadly, I didn't care enough to loosen her chains as much as I could.
There is a sequel to this book, which I have never read. My friend to this day is still interested in the series, and has the second one. She still has those chains, even though I've shared how I look at the subject now. An influence on the wrong side exerts a strong force, and whose influence is it that has damaged so much? It's mine. By giving her those books, I haven't made it easier for my friend to have better thoughts and goals, but harder. I haven't made it easier for her to love the true more than the false, but harder. To this day I can see the bad effects of that decision, and I can't undo the past. What a horrible reality.

The good news is that she enjoyed a book about someone real on the same subject not too long ago. She saw something better, and how good it was. God bless it so that it can exert an even stronger influence than all the fiction in the world! May it exert an influence that will lead her to the Bible, the Book of books that speaks of the Saviour, for Whom many real Chinese people have suffered.

If you come to a point in your life where you realize a better way to live, but you have all these things from the old way of life, don't give it away! You may tighten somebody's chains if you do that, and they may never loosen. If you trash it, it might be the beginning of breaking them, which will bring them one step closer to sharing in your freedom.
God bless,

[1] The title of this is not the title of the book