
Monday, March 17, 2014

The Best Thing to Do

It has been said that the best cure for unhappiness is service for others. I have found that, lately, to be true. Last night was a perfect opportunity to prove it. If you've read the About Me page, then you know I'm disabled. Put that together with being homeschooled for the past 5-6 years (yes, I've been lax), no transportation outside of your folks (who work a lot), and not having many friends in the old pine tree state, and it can get lonely. Really lonely.

Last night that was the case, and I just wanted to be alone and bawl my eyes out. Well, there's really no time to do that when all your family is up. I solaced myself by saying I could let go once everyone went to bed. With such a frame of mind, I naturally did not want to do anything other than what was necessary-not even read the mission story that accompanied the Bible reading with my sister. I honestly didn't.

Something told me that I should. "You'll be happier if you do it," was the thought that came to me. "You know you will." I had to agree, even though it rankled me. After we read from Isaiah, we thanked the LORD for what we read, and I prayed for strength to read the story (that's not unusual; I often get tired). Then, I set off reading.

It was a story about a boy named Christoff. He and his family had moved to Portugal, so the boys could be homeschooled. He met a man named Antonio, who raised goats. Christoff was very interested in the goats and plied his new friend with questions. Christoff decided to help Antonio with his goats until he obtained some of his own, and eventually they developed a nice friendship. By and by the young lad was able to share his faith with Antonio. Since the older man could not read, Christoff would read the Bible  to him. Eventually Christoff ended up reading to the whole village, since it was made up mostly of older people, and many came into the faith.

It was a good story (and read much better than my rendition), but more importantly, by the time we finished, the ache in my throat was gone. I lost my sadness when I lost sight of myself. In fact, that's why I even bothered to write this post. And you know, it worked again. I suggest you give it a try. It truly is the best thing to do.

GOD bless,

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