
Sunday, May 25, 2014

Delaying is Deadly

After the experience with the village in the previous post, Pastor Martin was privileged to go see Haru (one of the men he left behind to continue working in the Taruma river region). Haru related that as he was preaching in a village one day, the chief kept jumping up and saying, "It's true, it's true. Take notice of it, my people!" He did this so much that afterwards Haru inquired if the chief had heard the message already.

 Chief Doni then told how he had been visited many times by a shining white Being. The Being would give him instructions and end with, "If you do this, I will come again." In this way, he learned how to keep the Sabbath, how to practice health reform, and lastly how to pay tithe. The Being told him to mark off a tenth of his food and put it in a billum. It was not to be touched. Chief Doni did this, not knowing why. Then in the dead of night, the Being returned and told him to return to his village (He had told him to go to the mountains and live there on the first visit) and take his food and the tenth that was set aside. The Being's ambassador would be there, and he was to give him the food and listen carefully to what he said, because it was true. Doni explained that is why he kept saying what he did when Haru was preaching.

Pastor Martin was so impressed that he decided to go back with Haru and his wife to meet Doni. He heard the story from Doni himself, and decided to make his village Haru's base. Pastor Martin was obliged to leave, but returned six weeks later, whereupon he asked Doni if his people should finish with their cannibalism and pigs. Doni said they were through with that, and asked Pastor Martin if he would baptize him while there. Pastor Martin hesitated, and said he would do so when he returned in another six weeks, if Doni wanted.

Pastor Martin returned three days short of six weeks to find Doni dead. Since Doni was sincere, Pastor Martin was sure he would be in heaven, but he knew he should have performed the baptism while he had the chance.

We should do what we must while we have the chance. Delaying is deadly.

"Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do [it.]" Proverbs 3:27.


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