"The LORD is good to all: and His tender mercies are over all His works." Psalm 145:9.
I couldn't have said it better myself. This is true in any case, but especially so for my family and me. I'm late for the telling, but God came through in regards to Piedmont. Another counselor was found for the boys, and so Z. was able to go. She had a nice trip down, and today will be her first full day in Virginia. She arrived there yesterday.
The way everything worked out testifies to GOD's care. As I mentioned in my last post on the subject, Musings about Bible Camp...and Being Happy, Zelda had originally wanted to attend the camp in Washington, but couldn't. The camp in Washington had many more activities than Piedmont, but Piedmont had one that the other didn't: Chinese classes. My sister has been wanting to learn Chinese for quite a long time. I find it amazing that Piedmont was the camp she was able to go to! I honestly believe God planned it that way.
As for me, it has been different without her here. So much so that I have been struggling even more with feelings of unhappiness than usual, and speaking about it...too much. I've decided that I'm not going to do that anymore, by God's grace. It's certainly not making the situation any rosier.
There is a saying that goes thus: "Train your mind to see the good in every situation."
It really does make life more worth bearing, more fulfilling, if we do so. I know it works, even though I may have strayed a bit from following this advice. This morning is a good illustration. Breakfast started out as a bowl of cut-up fruit, Ezekiel bread toast with jelly, and Cheerios. Good, yes, but I wasn't pleased.
"Breakfast is boring," I muttered as I bit into a piece of toast.
"I'm sorry dear," my mother replied, even though she had nothing to be sorry for.
A few minutes went by, and then I remembered 1 Thessalonians 5:18: "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." OK. I looked at my food. I can be thankful I have something to eat. It may not be what I want, but at least I have something to eat. There was no sudden rush of feeling, but with this thought, I became happier. I went on to have French fries, read from Nehemiah with my mother, and finish typing up an assignment. The day has turned out well.
"The LORD is good to all:" Yes, and that includes me as well as my sister. I may not be able to enjoy Bible camp, but I have been reminded to look through the right lens, to see the glass as half full. That's just as amazing, if you think about it.
How has the LORD been good to you?
He has been good to me!