
Sunday, July 27, 2014

What Kind of Flower are You?

Flowers are beautiful things. With their many varieties and colors, one cannot deny that our GOD appreciates beauty. I recently learned a few interesting things about flowers from a sermon by Doug Bachelor. I thought I'd share them with you.

The first thing was that colored flowers have less fragrance than those that are white. Mr. Pastor Doug said that the white ones aren't as eye-catching, so they must have to rely on fragrance to attract insects. It made me think, isn't that how a Christian ought to be? People shouldn't be drawn to us because we are bold, because we purposely do things to gain attention, but because Christ's character is like a sweet perfume about us.

The second thing that struck me rather goes along with the first point. Pastor Doug mentioned a flower known as the "corpse" flower. He said it was the biggest known flower, weighing thirty-two pounds. He also said that while it is a very pretty flower, it stinks, and instead of bees about it, there are flies. He likened it to those Christians who make a big profession, but don't live up to it. On sight they are attractive, but as you get to know them, they quickly lose their charm. I can relate to that. I was-I still am-one of those flowers, one of those people. The good news is that even though I have much to learn, Jesus has brought me far, and He can do the same for you.

The only way we can allow Him to do this, however, is by spending time with Him. Yes, friends, it requires commitment and sacrifice, and at first may not be pleasant. But our Saviour said in the Song of Solomon, chapter 2 verse 1, "I [am] the rose of Sharon, [and] the lily of the valleys." The more time we engage in studying the Bible, and talking to GOD as our personal Friend, the more we shall see it. We shall be able to say, "As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so [is] my Beloved among the sons. I sat down under His shadow with great delight, and His fruit [was] sweet to my taste" (v. 3). His character will become ours and we will bear fruit like His (John 15:4-6, 8). People will see that, and want some for themselves.

So let us do this and aim to be a fragrant, fruit-bearing flower.


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