
Thursday, August 28, 2014

I Don't Need to be a Shepherd

When Moses slew the Egyptian and fled from Pharaoh's face, he was known as the presumptive heir to the throne of Egypt. We know GOD did great things through Moses, but it was only after he had been a shepherd for forty years. He had to learn be Christ-like-humble, patient, sympathetic, and so on- before he was fit to be used in delivering Israel. Sheep have a way of teaching you these virtues. A particularly stubborn one will most likely show you you don't know it all, and teach you to be patient as you seek to make it obey. A sick one will teach you to have compassion and a tender regard for life.

It was because of this that I used to wish I could be a shepherd. I needed-and still do need-to learn these lessons so badly! After thinking some, however, I realized more clearly that even though I may not be alone with GOD and a flock of sheep under an azure sky, He has sent me my own "wilderness" experience. I have been disabled for more or less twenty years for a reason. GOD knew there were things I needed to learn-patience and sympathy being among them-that I couldn't otherwise learn. Not only did I realize this more fully, but I also realized that if I don't learn from this trial, keeping sheep probably wouldn't do me any good.  Unfortunately, I haven't always looked at my lot in life in such a positive way. I've often moped, complained, and fretted, thinking it was mean of GOD to allow this to happen. I've wasted years that could have been invaluable in molding my character for the better.

Perhaps you are in the same boat as I am. There is nothing that can be done to change the past, but if we cling to GOD and seek to cooperate with Him, we can make the best present and future possible. Through His strength, I hope we all can learn to look cheerfully on our perhaps humdrum, disagreeable portions of life, remembering to thank Him for these teachers even when we don't want to. After all, "no chastening [the root word means tutorage, education, training] for the present seem to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby." Hebrews 12:11.

Are we willing to learn?


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