
Sunday, March 17, 2019

Worth It

Right now, it feels like I'm coming up against walls in life. Dead ends.

For instance, in the past I've been to see an Upper Cervical chiropractor in Yarmouth, ME. (Let me explain here that UC chiropractors are different from other chiropractors). I don't live in southern Maine, so it's a drive to get there. I've reached out to people in my town and another about UC. After all, it would be nice if there were one closer to me. One person I emailed about public transportation to Yarmouth. Some people have responded, some not at all. The status? There isn't an UC chiropractor nearby, or anything being done to get one nearby. I haven't heard about transportation. A wall.

I've also tried to join a website so I could make Seventh-day Adventist friends around my own age. That hasn't worked out. Another wall.

It's not pleasant. And yet, if I can learn from all of this, praise God. May the first issue teach me, if anyone needs my help, to put myself in their place as much as I can, and to help them as much as I can. May it teach me to be that considerate, compassionate, empathetic person I want others to be to me. May I learn to appreciate that God has a plan, even though it may be very different from what I think of, and that it is a good plan.

From the second, let me learn to trust my Father in heaven more fully. He may be keeping me from harm as far as this website goes. Let me learn to appreciate the many friends He has given me through my time sitting in a convenience store. He didn't have to do that. I could have no friends at all. Let me remember that there are others in situations like mine. If I can do nothing else, I can pray for them.

When all is said and done, the only thing that will matter is if I reflect the character of Jesus, my Saviour. If I'm more like Him by the end of all this, it will have been worth it.

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